Tara twenty emanations, 71 x 51 x 18 cm black stone statue, Pala period style 12th century, 155 Kgs


SKU: #1256 Category:


This incredibly detailed masterpiece showcases the illustrious female boddhisattva of compassion – Tara in all her glory! The enthroned Tara grants boons to devotees. She is surrounded by 20 emanations of her in various forms displaying essentially the same iconography. In worship, each Tara is visualized as the bearer of different boons— the bringer of prosperity, the dispeller of sorrow, the destroyer of attachments.


This giant musuem grade masterpiece is painstakingly crafted with immaculate attention given to each of the individual Taras seen. Taking almost half a year to complete this masterpiece would be at home in any gallery in the world.


Our high quality carvings take months to chisel using only the ancient hand  carving techniques of mastercraftsmen over a thousand years ago. The finaly product is then meticulously given a “patina” that resembles that of the antiques of yesteryear and is the finishing touch.

This timless craftsmanship and its techniqucs have been passed down for generations now through thorugh families over the centuries and which our team of talented artists still rely upon. We pride ourselves in being the only workshop in all of India who make these timeless artefacts using only hand held tools that were used in yesteryears and do not using any machines at all. Because of out unqiue and dedicated approach in reproducing these ancient aretfacts strictly using hand held tooks,  we produce statues and sculptures that are completely faithful to the rare pieces you would find centuries ago.



Additional information

Weight 155 kg


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