SOLD ! Seated Lokeshwara , 96.5 x 48 x 18 cm , black stone, Pala period style statue , 11th century style, 63 kgs


SKU: #1259 Category:


Lokeshwara means “Lord who looks down on the entire realm” in Sanskrit. Similarly, Lokeshwor is also recognized as Padmapani (“The Lotus Holder”) in Sanskrit. He is a Bodhisattva who symbolizes all of the Buddhas’ compassion. Lokeshwor is depicted, mentioned, and portrayed as either a God or Goddess in Buddhist deities in various cultures and countries.


He is depicted here seated peacefully in purposeful meditation and playflulness. This gorgeous carving captures his bodys fluidity and majesty wonderfully and his cheerful face shines through his eyes and purse lips. A truly delightful work of art and homage to Pala period masterworks.




Additional information

Weight 63 kg


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